How RecruitCloud Works

Three steps to the data-driven difference

Your candidate pipeline should not be filled with uncertainty.

1. Target

Our platform makes it easy to identify and reach the right candidates.

2. Message

We'll help fine-tune your message to ensure you make the right impression.

3. Hire

You'll get the best candidates for the job every time. Guaranteed.

Finding people is easy.
Finding the right people is hard.

Our team fuels the hiring process that provides you with interested, educated, and qualified candidates.

We highlight your brand, your culture, and your products to help you find candidates who WANT your job, not NEED your job.

Unlike most recruiting agencies who only promote themselves, we promote YOU.

We bring you candidates want to work for you because your brand resonates with them.

We help you find passive candidates in confidence instead of posting jobs over and over for your competition to see.

Why keep giving your competition an advantage?

Posting jobs is like giving away intellectual property.

When the competition sees that you're hiring, you're going to end up competing for the same candidates.

Work with us in confidence and gain a competitive advantage by mapping the market of highly sought-after passive candidates.

Our process


Book a demo and we will answer any questions you may have and determine if our services are right for you

Information Gathering: 1 day
  1. complete intake form
  2. Kick-off call with recruiter and hiring manager
  3. Sign contract
  4. Invoice sent
Skills & Talent Mapping 2-3 days

Human curated batches of 200+ targeted candidates

Write and launch personalized messages using email, In-mails, Social profiles: 2 Days

Remember, before you give us a penny, we will provide you with a FREE talent map of the candidates you are looking to hire and lay out a strategy to help you hire quickly.

Engage, Screen, and Coordinate interviews: 1-2 weeks
  1. Our recruiters will qualify all candidates using live video.
  2. We use Star interview methodology to uncover culture fit, competencies, and results oriented behavior attributes.
  3. Our team will prepare candidates and coordinate interviews with your stakeholders.
  4. We guarantee a superior candidate experience to solidify our client's brand.
Rinse and Repeat

Our team circulates back to step 3-5 with a continuous delivery of fresh batch of passive candidates

Weekly Google Studio Dashboard
  1. Weekly KPI metrics and analytics through Google Studio dashboard.
  2. See the funnel stages for each candidate, compare to your current KPI's.
  3. See which A/B messaging campaigns are performing best.